Im sorry, we are all out of chai latte…!
Said the lovely waitress.
“Excuse me while I have a tantrum for a minute” I said, and I did.
Tantrum over and while wondering what to have instead, the lovely waitress says…
“Try an warm apple chai”.
I pull a disgusted face, you know the one, the one a four year old pulls when asked to eat brussels sprouts. Anyway, I remember she said exactly the same thing to me a month earlier the last time they ran out of chai latte. Im thinking hot chocolate as an alternative, just as I had chosen a month before but then I remembered…
Olive Moments…
Another one had just landed on my lap, another opportunity had arrived to challenge my relfex opinions so I thought… Why not… Then I said…
“Why not, ok, I will try the warm apple chai”.
My yoghurt with granola, apple and cinnamon arrived, with the warm apple chai.
I knew I liked it before I even tasted it, it smelled so good. It tasted even better, I mean it is really really good. I was so good that after i had finished I wondered if I would ever have a Chai Latte here again.
So here I am again, the day after, sitting with my yoghurt, granola, apple and cinnamon and…
my warm apple chai…