Creature of habit...
I had no idea just how much a creature of habit I was /am. I guess we all are to some degree, but like most dimensions of being human, some more that others.
Once I became aware, it was so easy to see the full extent of my addiction to my habits.
The take now is to break them, one by one. Sadly though, it is not as easy as I imagined.
Im sorry, we are all out of Chai Latte...!
Said the lovely waitress.
“Excuse me while I have a tantrum for a minute” I said, and I did.
Tantrum over and while wondering what to have instead, the lovely waitress says…
“Try an warm apple chai”.
I pull a disgusted face, you know the one, the one a four year old pulls when asked to eat brussels sprouts. Anyway, I remember she said exactly the same thing to me a month earlier the last time they ran out of chai latte. Im thinking hot chocolate as an alternative, just as I had chosen a month before but then I remembered…
Olive Moments…
Another one had just landed on my lap, another opportunity had arrived to challenge my relfex opinions so I thought… Why not… Then I said…
“Why not, ok, I will try the warm apple chai”.
My yoghurt with granola, apple and cinnamon arrived, with the warm apple chai.
I knew I liked it before I even tasted it, it smelled so good. It tasted even better, I mean it is really really good. I was so good that after i had finished I wondered if I would ever have a Chai Latte here again.
So here I am again, the day after, sitting with my yoghurt, granola, apple and cinnamon and…
my warm apple chai…